Providing hope and love

Addi's Faith Foundation is dedicated to ending childhood cancer.

Our purpose is to fund childhood cancer research as well as provide financial and emotional support to families struggling to care for a child with cancer. We believe that there is a cure out there and together we can find it.

Family Financial Assistance - Applications are accepted for U.S. children under the age of 18 who are currently being treated for cancer.

Research - AFF funds pediatric cancer research targeting less toxic and more effective treatments.

Scholarships - Accepting applications for pediatric brain tumor survivors who are pursuing secondary education.

Spirit Care - Offering prayer & spiritual support for children and their family. Click to fill out the form.

Prosthetic Eye Assistance - Applications accepted for U.S. children under the age of 18 with a cancer diagnosis.

With each dollar funded, we get one step closer to a cure

Current Impact Totals


given as
family assistance

M +

given to
cancer research


families financially
assisted by AFF

Family Financial Assistance


Upcoming Events

Join Us In The Fight

Addi’s Faith Foundation hosts multiple fundraising events every year. We hope you will be able to join us in our fundraising efforts!

How You Can Help

Ways You Can Get Involved

Each year, the parents of approximately 15,700 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer.” This disease is the number one cause of death by disease in children and occurs cross all ages and ethnic groups. Despite this, childhood cancer research is vastly and consistently underfunded. Join us as we fight for more funding and a better life for patients and their families.



With multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the year, we're always looking for great people to help!


Show Your Support

Show your support with Corporate Matching ⋅ Kroger Rewards and more. Click here to learn how you can support just by shopping.


Make A Donation

Recurring gifts, online, mail, in memory of someone, or double your impact with a matching gift from your employer.


Host A Fundraiser

Create your own personal fundraiser! Bake sale, birthday, or biking. If you can dream it, you can do it and we can help!

Each year, the parents of approximately 15,700 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer.”


60% who survive suffer long-term side effects such as infertility, heart failure and secondary cancers.


40,000+ children undergo treatment for cancer each year. 12% of children diagnosed do not survive.


Approximately 375,000 adult survivors of children’s cancer in the U.S. Which is 1 in 530 adults.

with awareness there is hope

Addi's Story

Cancer crept up unannounced and certainly unwelcome. In 2007, Addison Faith was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She endured a great deal, but remained her sweet, loving self every step of the way. She taught us all how to live big, fight hard, and love lots. Sadly, Addis little body could only take so much and she passed away just a few weeks shy of her second birthday.

And Addis Faith Foundation was born.

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